MicroStrategy (MSTR) Overview

We present an informational overview of the Bitcoin-based Tech Company, MicroStrategy. With in-depth historical data, insights, and information about the publicly listed Company and MSTR stock.

MicroStrategy (MSTR) Overview

MicroStrategy is a software company that specializes in Enterprise Software and Cryptocurrency. This corporation is well known for being the largest holder of Bitcoin for a publicly listed company, exceeding the BTC balance sheet of Tesla (TSLA) and Coinbase (COIN) by over 10x.

MicroStrategy (MSTR) Price Chart

MicroStrategy (MSTR) Historical Price Chart

MicroStrategy and Bitcoin (BTC)

MicroStrategy holds the World Record for Publicly Listed Corporation holding the largest amount of Bitcoin (BTC).

As of August 2022, MicroStrategy holds about 130,000 Bitcoin, an incredible 0.62% of the entire supply of Bitcoin that will ever be distributed. With circulating supply and deducting lost supply considered, MicroStrategy floats closer to the 1% mark of circulating supply.

MicroStrategy + Bitcoin Holder Data

Company, Trust, or IndividualApprox. Amount of Bitcoin (BTC)
Grayscale Trust639,000 BTC
Binance448,000 BTC
Block.one140,000 BTC
MicroStrategy (Not including CEO’s personal wallet)131,000 BTC
Winkelvoss Twins70,000 BTC
June 2022

MicroStrategy CEO: Michael Saylor

The Chief Executive Officer of MicroStrategy is Michael Saylor, an American technology entrepreneur. He is most well known for being the most bullish person in the world towards Bitcoin (BTC) and the emerging cryptocurrency industry.

For many years, the CEO has been touting the prowess of cryptocurrency technology and made an enormous amount of purchases to collect Bitcoin with his “always buy the dip” theory. His press releases can be found on his website, Micheal.com.

History of MicroStrategy

MicroStrategy was founded in 1989 by software engineers Michael Saylor and Sanju Bansal. The corporation went public IPO on June of 1998 under the symbol MSTR.

MicroStrategy in Tech Bubble of 2000

In years to come, MicroStrategy was swept into the speculative markets of the Tech Bubble of 2000 when the price of the stock soared well over $2,200 per share. The crash of 2000 led the stock to decline to under $100, where it didn’t break the $100 mark until the 2010’s.

MicroStrategy Adopts Crypto

The first cryptocurrencies were created as early as 2009, but didn’t gain much traction in earlier years. MicroStrategy did not participate in Cryptocurrencies during the Crypto Bubble of 2017-2018, but was taken on much later when Michael Saylor proposes a new balance sheet in 2020.

In August of 2020, Michael Saylor announces to make a $250 Million Purchase of Bitcoin (BTC) for MicroStrategy. This was perfectly timed as October 2020 was the bottom for Bitcoin’s volatile drops at the start of 2020 Pandemic Crash.

MicroStrategy in Crypto Bubble of 2021

In the course of only a few short months, Bitcoin had exceeded the All-time-high of $20,000 USD per BTC and quickly grew to double that figure in 2021.

Throughout the rise of Crypto in 2021, MicroStrategy and CEO Michael Saylor sought to purchase Bitcoin by the thousand, even during market crashes, drops, and uncertain conditions. With confidence, MicroStrategy has declaring all their purchases of BTC publicly.

Bitcoin is Hope -Michael Saylor

Entrepreneur Michael Saylor believes so strongly that Bitcoin is the future of banking that he used his inventory of URLs to pick Hope.com as the front page of his Bitcoin is Hope campaign. This site is centered around Bitcoin Summits, Podcasts, Press Releases, and Applications.

You can see a list of his endorsed websites that are Useful Bitcoin Tools & Software.

Michael Saylor Memes

The notorious MicroStrategy CEO has taken a very unorthodox approach to corporate cryptocurrency involvement. He has memed and tweeted his way into being one of the most well known leaders in the Cryptocurrency, often taking historical and philosophical quotes and adding “on Bitcoin” at the end.

MicroStrategy FAQ

What is MicroStrategy?

Who Created MicroStrategy?

Who Founded MicroStrategy?

How Old Is MicroStrategy?

Why Is Michael Saylor a Meme?

Who Is Michael Saylor Crypto?

How Much BTC Does MicroStrategy Own?

How Much Bitcoin Does MicroStrategy Own?

MicroStrategy Stock Analysis

MSTR Stock Analysis

MicroStrategy Overview

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