Nikola’s Fundraising and Recalls: Impact on Shares

August 23rd, 2023

Nikola, the electric heavy-duty truck start-up, has embarked on a fresh round of fundraising, while also grappling with the repercussions of a recent vehicle recall. These developments have led to a decline in the company’s stock shares.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Fundraising with Convertible Bonds
  3. Impact on Stock Shares
  4. Cash Needs and Financial Outlook
  5. Recall’s Consequences on Business
  6. Navigating Risk Factors
  7. Conclusion


Nikola, known for its innovative electric trucks, is making headlines due to its efforts to secure additional funding and the challenges posed by a recall of its battery-electric trucks.

Fundraising with Convertible Bonds

In a recent announcement, Nikola revealed its plan to raise up to $325 million through the sale of convertible bonds. The initial portion of this sale is projected to inject approximately $125 million into the company’s finances.

Impact on Stock Shares

The news of the bond sale had a visible impact on Nikola’s stock performance, causing it to drop by about 8.2% during premarket trading. Stock, bond, and convertible bond sales often lead to a decrease in share value. Such sales can result in increased outstanding shares, diluting the ownership stakes of existing shareholders.

Cash Needs and Financial Outlook

Nikola’s decision to seek more funding is driven by its substantial cash requirements. The company is expected to allocate roughly $150 million per quarter for its business development. While Nikola ended the second quarter with access to around $750 million, there is an awareness that additional funding will be necessary for sustained growth.

Recall’s Consequences on Business

The announcement also shed light on a recent recall involving approximately 200 battery-electric trucks. The recall, disclosed on August 14, raised concerns about potential financial impacts. The company acknowledged the possibility of incurring significant expenses due to this event, including potential disruptions in the production of battery-electric trucks.

Navigating Risk Factors

The recall incident is one among many risk factors commonly found in financial filings. While recalls early in a company’s history can have negative consequences, they are not uncommon. Investors and stakeholders typically evaluate these risk factors along with the overall financial health and growth potential of the company.


Nikola’s journey reflects the challenges and uncertainties that emerging companies face. Balancing the need for funding with maintaining stakeholder confidence and managing risk factors is an intricate task. As Nikola navigates its path forward, the impact of fundraising and recalls on its trajectory will be closely observed by industry observers and investors alike.

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